How We Farm.
We operate our farm using Regenerative Farming practices.
Regenerative farming is a practice of farming that looks to protect, maintain, and improve the delicate ecosystems that we work in. It is a system of farming built on the foundation of protecting soil and water resources, preventing deforestation and grassland conversion, promoting wildlife diversity, while improving productivity and profitability of existing farmland.
At Sandy Creek Macadamias we employ several regenerative farming practices to better take care of our land, our trees, and our animals.
Spray Free & Pesticide Free
Our Macadamia orchard is spray and pesticide free.
We do this because we believe it’s important to look after the health of the soil our trees grow in and that many commercial sprays and pesticides contain harmful chemicals that linger in the soil, and in the nuts.
As custodians of our farm, it’s important for us not just to think about productivity and profitability, but also the longevity of our farm. Good, healthy soil is at the heart of our products and the agriculture industry and it’s critical to look after it for generations to come.
To keep pests from killing the flower on the trees, we employ a number of natural pesticides and pest deterrents, like wasp cards.
Read more on how we grow our orchard here!
Pasture Free Range Eggs
We think our eggs taste pretty darn good.
And we put that down to the way we treat our hens and the environment that we raise them in.
Our hens are truly free range, with only 400 birds per hectare, well below the 10,000 that is legally allowed.
Our girls get access to fresh fodder, green grass, bugs, flowers, shade, and clean water for up to 13 hours a day in the summer. They get room to run, roost, nest, and give themselves dust baths.
For us, taking care of the hens isn’t really animal welfare, it’s just what you’re supposed to do. These are living animals that are helping us make money, so it’s really our job to make sure that they’re happy and well taken care of.
We believe that farming this way makes a difference in the way that the eggs taste.
You can read more on our pasture free range egg operation here!